Join OPEN auditions taking JKKN Culture Artists (Musicians) tomorrow, 8 and 9 February 2012 is located at Level 24, MAS Building in Jalan Sultan Ismail, from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm (registration of participants for the audition). Do not forget to bring along the original documents such as identity cards, resumes, and 4R-sized photographs and musical instruments. Among the conditions for recruitment such as: -
1. Malaysian citizens aged 18-30 years.
2. Healthy body, sane and not handicapped.
3. Minimum requirements Malaysia Certificate of Education (SPM) or equivalent.
4. Can read and write well, as well as fluent in Malay.
5. Have knowledge in the field of music.
6. Be gifted and talented in playing modern or traditional musical instruments.
7. Can communicate well.
8. Skills in reading music notes are the advantages of the participants.
9. Drug abuse is not involved with.
10. One-year contract with JKKN.